Molt Be Blog

Friday, April 15, 2005

This is a funny story: MIT students pull prank on conference
This is a website where you can try it yourself: SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator
And this is so sick it's hilarious: Save Toby


Anonymous said...

Greg -- re save toby -- what a sick idea -- do you think the $25000 has has raised is real? what craziness... but what a cool idea -- if people are willing to just give you money...? allison

Greg said...

It IS an amazing idea. I doubt that he'll actually eat the thing... but making $25K by tugging at heart strings is pure genius.
Then again, eating it is less wasteful than burying it... of course, that's only if you wait for it to die of natural causes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Greg,

I'm sorry to hear you think I'm a fool, but I honestly want to thank you for posting your opinion on my blog; it made for an interesting discussion that I know others enjoyed reading.


Greg said...

My pleasure. It's tough for me to fully understand reasoning behind hand gun ownership, but the discussion on your site is actually very educational as to what the different arguments are that people present.