Molt Be Blog

Sunday, April 03, 2005

So much for updating twice a day. I had to come into the office today without being asked to. You know that you've grown up way too much when you're saying to yourself,
"Well. There's no way that I can get that all finished by Monday morning at 10am, so maybe I should shoot over to the office for a little while so that Monday morning isn't too hectic."
Ridiculous. So here I am. It's a lot easier to get work done with no phones ringing and no one talking or instant messaging or any of that stuff. Which is why I've already finished and am now sitting here catching up on what's new in the world.
The Pope died, but you already knew that because of the Jewish run media... wait a second! Why would the Jewish run media care so much about the pope's death? Maybe the media isn't as semitically controlled as everyone thinks... or they're just trying to rub it in. People who think that anything like the media could be under that much control are a bit loopy, if you ask me.
I had a bet with someone at work saying that he would pass on to the "next life" (i.e. the ground) Sunday around brunch. She bet Saturday. I lose. Cost of bet: one sandwich and a probably trip to "hell".
Google gave me another Gigabyte of space in my Gmail account. Heck yes! If anyone's reading and wants an invite for a gmail account, I must have 50 of them. Email me, if you do.
R and I saw Sin City last night and it was incredible. I recommend it highly as long as you're ok with people chopping off each other's limbs, ripping off each other's naughty bits and not getting attached to any characters. What's amazing about it is that by having the duo-tone color scheme of the comic book transported to film (which, as explained in an article I read in Wired called the Man Who Shot Sin City is harder than it looks), the blood and gore has a cartoonish enough nature to not make grown men sick.
Ok, I should get out of here. Have to meet up with Dan Goddard of The Volunteers later today to go over some website overhaul that he believes can be done in a week. When he suggested this on the phone last night my response was something like "no, that's impossible." After hanging up R got to listen to my full thoughts on the subject of creating an entirely new website that "looks more pro" in a week. Something along the lines of, "I have a day job, I don't even know what 'pro' means, Dan's not paying me for any of this and he's the one who said 'no' to my original design six months ago and now thinks that it was pretty cool." This is why I refused payment in the first place, though. It allows me to say "no" very very easily.

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