Molt Be Blog

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Spent yesterday home sick with some kind of awesome stomach virus. I'd guess that it was something I ate, except everything that I ate was also eaten by either coworkers or R... so maybe I'm just weak in the gut. The only things I ate all day yesterday were 5 saltines around 9pm. I think I lost a good 7lbs. It was awful. I'm feeling much better today and managed to eat 3/4ths of a bagel w/cream cheese for breakfast and skipped lunch because I still felt full and crappy from the bagel.
R has the day off today and got to watch the heater in our apt get fixed, not that we need it anymore. We'd turned it on back when it wasn't 77 degrees out and after 5 minutes, smoke, not steam, was pouring out and up the window. We turned if off and told building management. Today, they came to look at it. Our building manager, Tom, took the front off of the heater, turned the heat on, and watched as FLAMES erupted within. Per R, here's what happened next:

Ok, so not only was Tom in here this morning, then Percy and the tech came in to do the actual fixing, then Tom's boss came in because anytime that they do a major fix-up, like changing the entire motor of "the unit", he comes to inspect. He was so Spanish!!!! Maybe not by blood, but his trendy glasses, and bright suit gave him the whole package to be a Spaniard :) He was nice enough, and he LOVED our place. He said it was artsy and classy, and very calming. A nice place to come and relax!

Our apartment kicks ass according to some flashy suit guy. That makes me happy.

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