Molt Be Blog

Saturday, April 09, 2005

CA pointed me to Gizoogle, which helped me to translate thursday's entry into this ridiculousness:
"S-P-to-tha-izzent yesterday hizzle sick wit some kind of off tha hook stomach virus. I'd guess thiznat it was sum-m sum-m I ate, except everyth'n T-H-to-tha-izzat I ate was also eaten by brotha pimp or R... so maybe I'm jizzy weak in tha gut. The only mobbin' I ate all day yesterday wizzle 5 saltines around 9pm. I thizzink I lost a good 7lbs. It was awful ta help you tap dat ass. I'm feel'n mizzay betta today n managed ta eat 3/4ths of a bagel w/cream cheese fo` breakfast n skipped lunch coz I S-T-to-tha-izzill fizzy full n crappy frizzay tha bagel so jus' chill.
R has tha day off today n gots ta wizzay tha playa in our apt git fixed, not tizzle we need it anymore with my forty-fo' mag. We'd turned it on back wizzy it wasn't 77 degrees out n afta 5 minutes, smoke, not steam, was pour'n out n up tha window. We turned if off n told bustin' managizzles. Today, they came ta look at it. Our build'n managa, Tiznom, took tha front off of tha rappa turned tha heat on, n watched as FLAMES erupted witin. Per R, here's whizzay happened nizzy gangsta style:

Ok, so not only was Tom in here this morn'n, then Percy n tha tech came in ta do tha actual fix'n, thizzay Tom's boss came in coz anytime tizzy they do a major fix-up, like chang'n tha entire motor of "the unit", he comes ta inspect ridin' in mah double R. He was so Spanish!!!! Maybe not by blood, but his trendy glasses, n bright suit gave him tha whole package ta be a Spaniard :) He was funky ass enough, n he LOVED our place. He said it was artsy n classy, n very calm'n. A funky ass place ta come n relax!

Our apartment kicks ass pimpin' ta some flashy suit guy. That makes me happy."

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