The OC was superceded last night by this idiot. Apparently the networks were just as outraged as the people who tried to tune in. I can only imagine how many more people are angry w/bush now.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Note to self: start an Art Brut franchise. Art Brut has franchised their name so that other bands can start their own Art Brut and just tack a number onto the end of the name. So, you and your friends could be Art Brut 5. According to a bandmember, if Art Brut 7 played with Art Brut 3, the show would be billed as Art Brut 21 (unless there already existed an Art Brut 21, in which case it would have to be billed as Art Brut 21a).
Now I'm just sitting around trying to think of other things to franchise.
Posted by
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Note to self: Install Sound System in Scooter. The only problem with this guy's design (besides wires dangling by your feet, is that the subwoofer takes up the entire trunk. Pretty rockin' though, I gotta say.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
I feel like I've posted this before, but a google site search on the blog revealed nothing, so here's the link to nifty, weird graphics drawn by computers: [link]. It's kind of like the spirograph of the 21st century... only there's no way that a kid would ever have the patience to program this. Then again, I don't think I ever had the patience for spirograph.
Posted by
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Sitting around on a Saturday working on putting together a new website. Trying to learn what the heck php is all about and what its uses might be.
NN sent me this video of Mr. T that, while amusing, is very tough to sit all the way through. That man can not sing... even if it's about moms.
Posted by
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Friday, April 22, 2005
I'm not sure if I could agree more with this guy's rant about Microsoft Word.
And this new study on "infomania" puts a little too much emphasis on how "personal email impedes production" and not enough emphasis on how work impedes my ability to pay full attention to my personal email.
And Greenspan's statements in front of the Senate Budget Committee blow some holes in the whole tax-cuts-are-good-for-the-economy arguement:
"Greenspan, appearing before the Senate Budget Committee, also acknowledged that his support for tax cuts in early 2001 unintentionally led to policies that helped swing the federal budget from surplus to deficits."
Posted by
Friday, April 22, 2005
Thursday, April 21, 2005
An insanely busy week at work w/kickball in there to boot.
This Real Estate venture is pretty alluring.
Will try to update more this evening/weekend.... ooh, the sun just came out and is shining through the cube wall... whoops, no, it went back behind a cloud.
Posted by
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Monday, April 18, 2005
JC and CA brought this site to my attention where one can watch episodes of different cartoons like family guy, the simpsons, aqua-teen hunger force, etc:
I haven't tried it out yet, as I'm at work and never waste company time, but it looks pretty sweet.
#I couldn't get this working last night. The video windows would start to load the movie and then it would close out of FireFox/IE as soon as it had loaded. I checked out the Forum, and a lot of other people appear to be having the same problem... let's hope it gets fixed!
Posted by
Monday, April 18, 2005
Friday, April 15, 2005
R is working late nights this week, so I'm here at home with not much to do. I spent some time commenting on this fool's blog, which manages to crunch irony and hypocracy into a tight little space. #added 4/18/05 - See comments below, Adam is actually a pretty reasonable guy!#
Then I went for a run along the route on the right:
After I got home I listened to an album called "Heat Can Melt Your Brain" by Viva Voce, which I highly recommend.
Then I R called and I met up with her at Whole Foods so that she could buy some stuff for work.
Posted by
Friday, April 15, 2005
This is a funny story: MIT students pull prank on conference
This is a website where you can try it yourself: SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator
And this is so sick it's hilarious: Save Toby
Posted by
Friday, April 15, 2005
Thursday, April 14, 2005
This is just here to remind myself to read it later:
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry
Posted by
Thursday, April 14, 2005
I finally managed to summarize the style of middle management!
"I'm always right, and if I'm wrong, we'll do it the wrong way and then I can be right about the way to fix it and if that's wrong..." (repeat)
It's sad because it's everso true.
Posted by
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Posted by
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Some amusing news in fark this morning including,
People distilling their own gasoline safely on their stovetops and further proof that we live in a police state (here too)
And THIS isn't from Fark, but instead from the Google Alert I have set up for my street. Usually it's news about Church bake sales or events on a different Rhode Island Ave. (in Providence, RI of all places). This time it's about a shooting at a gas station up the street. The street is 20 miles long, so I have no idea where this particular place is. Awesome
Posted by
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Posted by
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Monday, April 11, 2005
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Monday, April 11, 2005
Sunday, April 10, 2005
On the Jewish Bus
I'm currently taking the Jewish-run bus service back to dc and have managed to encounter another snorer (See On the China Bus). This one is sitting next to me and oozing into my seat due to his immense girth. I wish I was kidding. He's sitting next to me right now, arms folded across his chest and roaring away like a chain saw. He seemed like a very nice guy when he sat down, but by the time we'd entered the Lincoln tunnel, the snorefest had begun. I was one of the last people with an open seat next to me and was starting get hopeful when he sidled up and asked if the space was free. Darn. This should have happened to the girl in front of me who damaged her Karma by being one of those assholes who sits in the aisle seat and puts their bag in the window seat. These people know what they're doing; forcing those looking for a seat as space is dwindling to ask her if that seat is taken and then have to climb over her to get into it. People will always go for an empty aisle seat before asking someone to move their bag off of a window seat.
After we'd entered Jersey, I caught the eye of someone a few rows ahead of me who was motioning for me to give tubby a nudge. I'm sorry, I shouldn't call him “tubby”, it's just the first name that came to mind. God, I hope he can't read this thing from over there. I've got my headphones on at this point and can't really hear if he's asleep. Ok. I looked over. He's out like a light. Where was I? Oh yes, so a girl a few rows ahead is motioning for me to nudge him. I give her the shoulder shrug with hands at shoulder height motion and she gives me the “just push him” motion with the words mouthed. I give him a weak push. I don't want to disturb him, just get him to stop snoring. No effect. I put my headphones on and try to ignore him some more. The girl ahead gets up, walks over and gives his largeness a tap on the shoulder. Upon awaking, she informs him that he's being a little loud. He apologizes sleepily, stays awake for a half hour and is now snoring again. It's a good thing I remembered my headphones, even if I haven't invested in an ipod and can only listen to the one album on my little mp3 player that I use for running. That one album is Brian Wilson's “Smile”.
Holy crap! Tubby just put his arm down and is sleeping on me! I've tried nudging him and am now pushing against him. He immovable! A mountain is occupying half of my seat. I don't know if I'll make it out of here alive.
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
On the China Bus
What is it about the back seat of a bus that attracts the dregs of society?
Today's bus trip to nyc was reminiscient of an experience R and I had on a bus ride from Hamburg to somewhere in Denmark two years ago. At a stop, we watched as two German men carrying several bags and a boombox started to stow their things underneath the bus. The bags went under, the boombox stayed out. On they came and on came the German dance music for the next 5 hours. Only specal bavarian batteries could have kept that thing going amid the stares from all the other passengers.
Today's ride had similar themes. The gentleman sitting two rows behind me in the last seat of the bus managed to snore consistently through three states and the first five hours of the ride. Snore type ranged from low-and-quiet to a more fast-paced “huffle” that may have accompanied certain dreams. 5 hours into the cocaphony, our hero awoke to urinate with the door to the semi-operational restroom wide open. My quick glance toward that unmistakable sound and smell led him to feign a reach for the door with his free hand before giving up entirely. The stench was hideous.
Upon returning to his row of seats to begin either snoring or muttring to himself (as he was doing before boarding), he instead seemed to not be interested in either. I had just started to relax when I heard a radio click on behind me and the mindless drone of sports-talk radio filled the air. If I wanted to listen to idiots talk about sports, I could go to lunch with any of the business-major-frat-boys at work. I can't believe they have entire stations for men to listen to that have the same exact content of their own conversations with their peers, but then again, I listen to npr. I digress, if the Lincoln Tunnell hadn't presented itself to cut out all radio signals, I would have surely started to turn around to glare more frequently.
As we neared our destination, loud guy arose and began to collect the bags of trash that had accumulated between dc and nyc. I realized that this man might, in some way, be compensated for his trip or be working for the bus company. The first thing that pooped into my brain was that he should be fired, the second was a classist remark to say I wasn't surprised that the crazy, smelly, snoring guy was the one picking up garbage, the third was that I needed to get the hell off of that bus.
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry
Posted by
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Currently reading this while on the bus to nyc. It's big time linguistic nerd stuff gleaned from Bless this blackberry, for letting me read this while stuck on this stinky, stinky bus.
Posted by
Saturday, April 09, 2005
A word to the wise, if traveling from DC to NYC, don't take the China Bus. I was supposed to leave at 8:45 AM and was waiting there until 9:15 AM before someone in line called up and was told that the bus was broken-down and that we'd have to wait for the 12:45 bus. Jerks. Thank god the pick up point is only a ten minute walk from home, otherwise I'd be a bit more irrate. It's about time to go wait for the bus again, actually.
Check out the message boards on, they're quite fun to read through.
Posted by
Saturday, April 09, 2005
CA pointed me to Gizoogle, which helped me to translate thursday's entry into this ridiculousness:
"S-P-to-tha-izzent yesterday hizzle sick wit some kind of off tha hook stomach virus. I'd guess thiznat it was sum-m sum-m I ate, except everyth'n T-H-to-tha-izzat I ate was also eaten by brotha pimp or R... so maybe I'm jizzy weak in tha gut. The only mobbin' I ate all day yesterday wizzle 5 saltines around 9pm. I thizzink I lost a good 7lbs. It was awful ta help you tap dat ass. I'm feel'n mizzay betta today n managed ta eat 3/4ths of a bagel w/cream cheese fo` breakfast n skipped lunch coz I S-T-to-tha-izzill fizzy full n crappy frizzay tha bagel so jus' chill.
R has tha day off today n gots ta wizzay tha playa in our apt git fixed, not tizzle we need it anymore with my forty-fo' mag. We'd turned it on back wizzy it wasn't 77 degrees out n afta 5 minutes, smoke, not steam, was pour'n out n up tha window. We turned if off n told bustin' managizzles. Today, they came ta look at it. Our build'n managa, Tiznom, took tha front off of tha rappa turned tha heat on, n watched as FLAMES erupted witin. Per R, here's whizzay happened nizzy gangsta style:
Ok, so not only was Tom in here this morn'n, then Percy n tha tech came in ta do tha actual fix'n, thizzay Tom's boss came in coz anytime tizzy they do a major fix-up, like chang'n tha entire motor of "the unit", he comes ta inspect ridin' in mah double R. He was so Spanish!!!! Maybe not by blood, but his trendy glasses, n bright suit gave him tha whole package ta be a Spaniard :) He was funky ass enough, n he LOVED our place. He said it was artsy n classy, n very calm'n. A funky ass place ta come n relax!
Our apartment kicks ass pimpin' ta some flashy suit guy. That makes me happy."
Posted by
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Spent yesterday home sick with some kind of awesome stomach virus. I'd guess that it was something I ate, except everything that I ate was also eaten by either coworkers or R... so maybe I'm just weak in the gut. The only things I ate all day yesterday were 5 saltines around 9pm. I think I lost a good 7lbs. It was awful. I'm feeling much better today and managed to eat 3/4ths of a bagel w/cream cheese for breakfast and skipped lunch because I still felt full and crappy from the bagel.
R has the day off today and got to watch the heater in our apt get fixed, not that we need it anymore. We'd turned it on back when it wasn't 77 degrees out and after 5 minutes, smoke, not steam, was pouring out and up the window. We turned if off and told building management. Today, they came to look at it. Our building manager, Tom, took the front off of the heater, turned the heat on, and watched as FLAMES erupted within. Per R, here's what happened next:
Ok, so not only was Tom in here this morning, then Percy and the tech came in to do the actual fixing, then Tom's boss came in because anytime that they do a major fix-up, like changing the entire motor of "the unit", he comes to inspect. He was so Spanish!!!! Maybe not by blood, but his trendy glasses, and bright suit gave him the whole package to be a Spaniard :) He was nice enough, and he LOVED our place. He said it was artsy and classy, and very calming. A nice place to come and relax!
Our apartment kicks ass according to some flashy suit guy. That makes me happy.
Posted by
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
After hearing "you can go if you need to" from work, I split and made it home by 6:15. Thereupon, I sat through the second half of Spartacus, which I couldn't bear to finish last night. It's dated. Kirk Douglas has a weird chin. Enough said.
I spent another little while pretending to ignore the show "The Starlet" on the WB that R was watching, while secretly keeping my ear tuned and loathing the characters I was supposed to loath and rooting for the characters I'm supposed to empathize with. My cover for this secret listening campaign was creating new buttons for the left side of the volunteers website. I completed this, but it took until now, instead of an hour ago. Oh well.
This is amusing:
Noting that the Justice Department had not used the law to demand library records, Mr. Gonzales said: "It should not be held against us that we've exercised, in my judgment, restraint. It's comparable to a police officer who carries a gun for 15 years and never draws it. Does that mean that for the next five years he should not have that weapon because he had never used it?" [link]
Posted by
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Monday, April 04, 2005
R started her new job at 7 this morning, so I'm up early to prevent myself from oversleeping. I've spent a little time so far searching around for a flight to New York next weekend, but it's looking like taking the bus for 10 times less is going to be the way to go.... although, I did find a flight from Dulles to White Plains for only $165... hrmm... Must remember to call 800-573-3594 or just suck it up and take the bus.... will probably take the bus.
Played around with that idea for a while, then found this hilarious christian propaganda, which I found befuddling and amusing all at the same time. Can you feel the righteousness? Isn't that a sin or something?
Now I realize that it's 8am and I'd better skedaddle if I don't want to be late for work. Darn.
Posted by
Monday, April 04, 2005
Sunday, April 03, 2005
So much for updating twice a day. I had to come into the office today without being asked to. You know that you've grown up way too much when you're saying to yourself,
"Well. There's no way that I can get that all finished by Monday morning at 10am, so maybe I should shoot over to the office for a little while so that Monday morning isn't too hectic."
Ridiculous. So here I am. It's a lot easier to get work done with no phones ringing and no one talking or instant messaging or any of that stuff. Which is why I've already finished and am now sitting here catching up on what's new in the world.
The Pope died, but you already knew that because of the Jewish run media... wait a second! Why would the Jewish run media care so much about the pope's death? Maybe the media isn't as semitically controlled as everyone thinks... or they're just trying to rub it in. People who think that anything like the media could be under that much control are a bit loopy, if you ask me.
I had a bet with someone at work saying that he would pass on to the "next life" (i.e. the ground) Sunday around brunch. She bet Saturday. I lose. Cost of bet: one sandwich and a probably trip to "hell".
Google gave me another Gigabyte of space in my Gmail account. Heck yes! If anyone's reading and wants an invite for a gmail account, I must have 50 of them. Email me, if you do.
R and I saw Sin City last night and it was incredible. I recommend it highly as long as you're ok with people chopping off each other's limbs, ripping off each other's naughty bits and not getting attached to any characters. What's amazing about it is that by having the duo-tone color scheme of the comic book transported to film (which, as explained in an article I read in Wired called the Man Who Shot Sin City is harder than it looks), the blood and gore has a cartoonish enough nature to not make grown men sick.
Ok, I should get out of here. Have to meet up with Dan Goddard of The Volunteers later today to go over some website overhaul that he believes can be done in a week. When he suggested this on the phone last night my response was something like "no, that's impossible." After hanging up R got to listen to my full thoughts on the subject of creating an entirely new website that "looks more pro" in a week. Something along the lines of, "I have a day job, I don't even know what 'pro' means, Dan's not paying me for any of this and he's the one who said 'no' to my original design six months ago and now thinks that it was pretty cool." This is why I refused payment in the first place, though. It allows me to say "no" very very easily.
Posted by
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Found this while looking around on my hard drive and thought it was amusing.
Nothing much doing today. A ridiculous amount of rain fell, which has resulted in R and I holing up in the apartment. Might go to see Sin City this afternoon, but will otherwise be enjoying the fact that I'm not at work.
Posted by
Saturday, April 02, 2005
What a busy week! Saw The Dears (first picture) open for The Soundtrack of Our Lives (second) on the 21st. Check out that high kick that the guitarist is doing! TSOOL is from Sweden and the lead singer makes a lot of unnecessary hand gestures. Enough said.
Saw Interpol (third picture) on Sunday night.
Wednesday I went to see Graham Coxon former lead guitarist for Blur, who has a Red Bull addiction and an excellent web site. I forgot the camera for that one, so no dark, blurry pictures.
Thursday I went to see The Volunteers, whom I made a website for, play at DC9. The band that played just before them, Viva Voce, was excellent as well. They sound like a mix between Granddaddy, The Beta Band and The Flaming Lips.
Tonight I worked until 6:30 or so and then went to a party to celebrate the fact that R is switching jobs. We had a great time.
After getting home, we went out to see a local band called Metropolitan at the Black Cat. And that leaves us here. Right now.
I've made a new year's resolution to try to update this blog twice a day. If you're reading, hold me to it.
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Saturday, April 02, 2005