Molt Be Blog

Friday, May 13, 2005


Well, I haven't seen a single bit of San Diego yet other than the airport and my hotel room and the interior of the van that shuttled me back and forth.
Sleeping in a gigantic bed without R around is lonely and annoying.
I forgot to bring toothpaste, so had several very vivid dreams about that before waking up and calling the front desk to ask for some. It was delivered with my complimentary copy of USA Today, which (upon recognizing what paper it was) made me regret the e dollar tip.
A large contigent of my coworkers signed up for a “fun run” this morning that started at 5:45am. I'm all for running, but I'm not for running before noon or with coworkers, hence my still having seen nothing.
On that note, I'm going to dress quickly and try to take a little walk around before diving head first into what just might be the most boring 2 days I've experienced in quite some time.

Sent via BlackBerry Wireless Handheld... Because I care that much.

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