Molt Be Blog

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Looks like that US Attorney story might pick up some steam...

Not that it made the front page or anything, but it looks like the US Attorney hearings might start to pick up a bit.
Ousted U.S. attorneys blast Bush administration

Six former U.S. attorneys told two congressional committees Tuesday that Republican lawmakers and a congressional aide inquired about politically sensitive investigations, and their testimony raised new questions about whether the Bush administration removed the attorneys for political rather than professional reasons.

The U.S. attorneys, all of whom were appointed by President Bush, contradicted the administration's version of their sudden firings.

Reasons Given for Prosecutors Firings
The AP (here in the Guardian) gives a listing of the various reasons for which the Attnys were let go (accompanied by recent performance review snippets). My personal favorite:
BUD CUMMINS, U.S. attorney in Little Rock, Ark.
JUSTICE DEPARTMENT TESTIMONY: ``His was not for performance-based reasons. ... The administration asked Mr. Cummins to move on only after we knew that he had indicated he was not going to serve out the remainder of his term.''

2006 PERFORMANCE REVIEW: ``Very competent and highly regarded by the federal judiciary, law enforcement and civil client agencies. ... Established strategic goals that were appropriate to meet the priorities of the department.''

Also coverage in the Washington Post, CNN and elsewhere.

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