Molt Be Blog

Friday, February 24, 2006


Bush uses the training of Iraqi troops to avoid giving a timeline for troop withdrawal, but he lies about Iraqi troop readiness. He lies about the number of battalions that have been trained, the number that are ready, etc. Then, even after they get one battalion trained... they're downgraded:
CNN Today: Pentagon: Iraqi troops downgraded - No Iraqi battalion capable of fighting without U.S. support
The only Iraqi battalion capable of fighting without U.S. support has been downgraded to a level requiring them to fight with American troops backing them up, the Pentagon said Friday.
The battalion, made up of 700 to 800 Iraqi Army soldiers, has repeatedly been offered by the U.S. as an example of the growing independence of the Iraqi military.
The competence of the Iraqi military has been cited as a key factor in when U.S. troops will be able to return home.
President Bush in a speech in a Speech to the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland on November 30, 2005.
At this time last year there were only a handful of Iraqi battalions ready for combat. Now there are over 120 Iraqi army and police combat battalions in the fight against the terrorists, typically comprised of between 350 and 800 Iraqi forces.
Of these, about 80 Iraqi battalions are fighting side by side with coalition forces, and about 40 others are taking the lead in the fight. Most of these 40 battalions are controlling their own battlespace, conducting their own operations against the terrorists with some coalition support, and they're helping to turn the tide of the struggle in freedom's favor.

And this story: U.S. planning to release intelligence on Iraq from early 2003 is just for kicks... How could so many people have been so scared of something dreamed up by Cheney, Wolfowitz, Pearl and friends?

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