Molt Be Blog

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

This post will only have any real affect for a few hours until different news sites change, but here's the skinny:
R and I had a friend of hers and a her friend's boyfriend over this evening. Her friend is from Australia, but is currently living in Geneva. The boyfriend is from France. We were talking about how the media is skewed in every country, but in different directions. I mentioned that there was a lot of news today about Iran and he bet me that if I checked the French website there would be no news about Iran. I checked Yahoo news in the US and found this. Then we checked Yahoo news in France and found this.
Even if you don't speak any French, you'll notice that the word "Iran" appears only in the top parts o the US website. What's news to us, is not news to the French. The media is skewed to what you're interested in, not what's really happening. And that's the skinny.

1 comment:

Greg said...

It's still working today. Neato.