Molt Be Blog

Monday, February 14, 2005

DC DMV, how I loathe thee.
R didn't have an original copy of our lease to prove that she was a resident and only my name is on the cable bill. They told her that she would have to wait for me to get my license so that I could then fill out a form to vouch for her living at my address (and they need a DC driver's # on the form). Then R would have to go back to the information desk after I got my license and get the DC license form, fill it out, get a number and then go through the same process that I had just gone through earlier in the morning. Luckily, while I was getting my license, I showed the lady the form and asked about it and she was like "why don't we just do hers right now? It would be ridiculous for you to have to go all the way back and wait in line again."
I came this close (I'm holding my fingers close together) to hugging her. So we're set up w/licenses now.
Monday's are awesome, especially when it's so dark and rainy out that you wake up and think it's 3am when it's really 7:30.
Went up to College Park on saturday night to watch MD beat Duke. It was a great game, even for a sports non-watcher like me.

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