Molt Be Blog

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Inauguration time is very strange here in DC. There was an article about it in the post the other day and it speaks volumes. I thought the article was exaggerating when it said that there would be limos and rich Texans everywhere. I was wrong. Never before have I seen so many old guys in red ties and women in mink coats than I did walking home from work today. Granted, I pass within five blocks of the white house to get home, but lord if these people weren't the biggest chumps I'd ever seen.
I listened as one guy refused a cab driver, repeating "I'm not gonna get ripped off!" in a thick Texas drawl so that everyone around him could hear and see how city-smart he was.
I watched an elderly couple dressed in the most expensive pajamas I'd ever seen on their way to a theme ball leaving the Holiday Inn on the corner of our block. His robe had a presidential seal. There goes my belief that only presidents get to wear clothes with the seal... unless... maybe... Jimmy Carter? No. Couldn't have been.
There are enough limos driving around to make you think you're in New York and half... wait no... 99.5% of the city has tomorrow off. R and I do not. But don't cry for us. Cry for freedom. Cry for 'murica.

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