I'm not much for updates, now that the new job has started. Oh well, c'est la vie.
Monday, November 24, 2003
Thursday, November 20, 2003
It's just like me to complain about not having a job for two months and then complain about working too much when I finally get one. So, may I entertain the idea of being just like me for two sentences? Man, what the hell happened when I find myself having already worked forty hours on a Thursday night. Not to mention the fact that I'm working tomorrow AND saturday.
Ok, enough of that. Having been moved to the new cube, life is quite different around the office. Things are really, really quiet. I haven't figured out anything bad about this, except that now I have to be quiet too. I did get my own phone, with my own voicemail, which I immediately put a dissappointing message on, but couldn't muster the energy to replace it with something better. I also got connected to the company e-mail and instant messenger system that comes along with Lotus Notes. The instant messenger thing could really be done without. As soon as you sign on, everybody knows that you're in the office and have remembered to sign onto the instant messenger thing. After that, there's no professional way to not be found online for the rest of the day. Everyone will know that you're away from your desk (possibly slacking off) if you leave an away message, but if you sign off altogether, everyone knows that you didn't forget about the program's existence. It's awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Ok. It's not that bad.
Today was my first time using Lotus Notes. After a few hours of stupiding around I learned that Notes is just like Outlook and other e-mail programs, except the vocabulary is different. Instead of a "letter" or "message", you write a "memo". Instead of "synchronizing", one "replicates". I'm so smart it sickens me.
At the new cubicle I also have access to a different little kitchen and work on a different side of the building with different elevators and a different bathroom. It's like a different office, but with several similar (ok. the same) mindless tasks to do it also feels a lot like the same office... which it is. The best part about the new cube is that the bathroom is only 10 feet from my desk. That's way better than the 50 feet I had to walk at my old desk.
What on earth am I rambling on about?
Posted by
Thursday, November 20, 2003
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
When I started this blog, I thought that it would be a place for me to write down all sorts of random thoughts, and even more: random, relatively long meanderings about intersting topics. The latter has suffered. I haven't had the time to bitch about stuff enough.
So here's the deal: I'm going to try to write one really good entry every week. It probably won't happen on Wednesdays... Those are really tough. Maybe on Fridays or Saturdays. Yeah.
I think the first topic for one of these ridiculous philosophical entries is going to be the fact that I told myself that I would never be caught dead in a shirt and tie sitting in a cubicle and reading memos. Well, it has Begunith... and I am none too happieth.
-peace out more tomorrow.
Posted by
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Tomorrow I get to move to my own cubicle! I haven't seen it yet, but I might get on a tour that'll take me there with my manger in the next few minutes. Word on the street is that the new cubicle is outside the offices of some big-wigs.... which isn't good... because now I won't be allowed to type loudly and talk all day long.
Perhaps this blog will be shortlived...
or perhaps...
just perhaps...
It will become stronger and more mighty than... oh screw it, I'm goin' home.
Posted by
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Counting rows in an excel printout hardly seems like a job worth paying me for... but if they're paying, I'll keep counting!
Posted by
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Monday, November 17, 2003
Whoa! There are combos in the vending machine! Finally! Something interesting occurs in the office...
Posted by
Monday, November 17, 2003
Posted by
Monday, November 17, 2003
Friday, November 14, 2003
Another week and I'm still at work despite reports that I was leaving at 4pm... what the hell's going on?
Posted by
Friday, November 14, 2003
They're going to be replacing some big drive on the network today, so I get to go home at 4pm. Of course, this means I won't get paid as much... but any reason to leave the office at 4pm on a Friday is find with me!
Posted by
Friday, November 14, 2003
Thursday, November 13, 2003
This, however, is not a good question to ask... Questioning the reasons behind your own employment will only lead to on overwhelming feeling of underachievment, and uselessness...
So, yeah. Printing out reams upon reams of previously printed documents, collating them, attaching little binder clips (or big binder clips!), to them and then putting them on someone's desk is useful.
Posted by
Thursday, November 13, 2003
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Here's a pretty rad US electoral college calculator. Watch out! If you're not careful you might learn something about history or even the names of the guys who lost elections.
Posted by
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Friday, November 07, 2003
I've started another blog... my nerdiness only gets nerdier. Take a gander at http://nobuzzwords.blogspot.com.
Posted by
Friday, November 07, 2003
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Thank God (as Bush is only speaking for God) for all those tax cuts.... wait a second... who cares about tax cuts when no one has a job?
Posted by
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Monday, November 03, 2003
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Monday, November 03, 2003
During a fundraising speech (about 2 minutes ago), Bush said: "Free nations don't develop weapons of mass terror." I'm confused: Don't we develop tons of weapons that would cause terror for anyone that we used them on? and What's he doing giving fundraising speeches?
He also bothers to say that "if you have problems with the neighborhood you live in, it's your responsibility to do something about it." Is this what my taxes are paying for? Somebody to tell me that if I don't like something I should go fix it myself? Even if it's something like the school system or crime? Are we all supposed to be vigilantes and activists? I thought that government would help to give us safer neighborhoods and better schools. But, apparently, we're in a new era of responsibility where it's my job to clean up this town, not the job of my elected officials. Hmmm... I'm all for activism, but Bush can't just forfeit responsibility for the state of the nation, which is really what this whole "new era of responsibility thing seems to be about.
Posted by
Monday, November 03, 2003