Molt Be Blog

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Day Off

I spent the morning sleeping until 10am. Then walked to the office to pick up a letter that I was supposed to draft an initial response to that I'd left there. Then sat on the deck and answered the letter. Then I read through the latest issue of macworld, which is like a 112 page glossy Apple advertisement delivered to your doorstep. A lame magazine, but it did teach me that buying a Macbook Pro isn't really worth it yet. That $11 subscription saved me $2,888!
The next magazine of nerdery that turned to was wired. This month's issue features Al Gore and his green ways as well as a very comprehensive guide to Online Video, which isn't online yet. I'd like to sit down and visit every one of these sites to see what it's all about, but who has the time? The next best thing is going to have to be to start typing the ones I find interesting in and linking back to them later. Heregoes:

Whew! Now it's time to go visit some of this crap!

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