Molt Be Blog

Friday, November 05, 2004

I'd rather be divided thanks.

Here it comes. Can you hear it? It's the call for "unity". Well, I'd rather be divided, thanks.
The republicans "unity" is dems surrender. I already heard someone on the today show yesterday morning tell a critic of bush that their "attacking isn't helping to unite us." Don't let them use this unity card against us. It's not just being united that's important, its belief in what you're united over as well.
Argument and dissenting opinions do not necessarily divide and even if they do, they are necessary to proper discussion and decision making. The simple fact is that there are going to be facts out there that go against things that Bush et al. are saying. This doesn't mean that the peple who point those facts out don't want "unity". Then again, I don't particularly want to unite with conservatives over partisan issues like abortion and tax-cuts for rich people.
It is perplexing to try determine why George would even claim the desire to unite us. What possible interest could he have in it? He regularly takes pride in his 'unpopular' decisions. The GOP has control of the House, Senate and soon the Supreme court. Even more disturbing is that this time W is not up for reelection. Don't listen to the "unity" hype. It's all a lie to get the Democrats to not use the filibuster.
This is a call to arms for those of us that think W is wrong and lying. Do not unite with him. Unite with the idea that people are inherently good, that war is evil and that "personal responsiblity" as used by conservatives is just newspeak for "greed".
That's my two cents. As usual. Which is why I have this webpage. Awesome.

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