Molt Be Blog

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Need to go to bed... Have work in morning... Here are the quickest quotes (all from George W. Bush) that I was able to jot down during his rhetoric-laden "press conference." And HUGE props to Don Gonyea for actually asking a real question (and being called on in the first place):

Gonyea: with public support for the war in Iraq falling off... What ways do you think you've failed as a communicator... [your speeches] often include similar phrases and may vary very little from one to the next... I wonder if you feel you have failed in any way.... To really make the case to the public.

Bush: If you put it into a political context that's the kind of thing the voters will decide next November. That's what elections are about. They'll take a look at me and my opponent and say 'let's see. Which one of them can better win the war on terror? Who best can see to it that Iraq emerges as a free society?' ...If I tried to fine-tune my messages based upon polls, I think I'd be pretty ineffective, I know I would be disappointed in myself...

Besides the fact that Bush entirely avoided the part of the question as to whether or not he failed to make his case to the public, I think this answer is a hint of what's to come in the election. It seems the W will be pushing the idea that Kerry won't be strong on defense and that he doesn't say what he means and flip-flops around. Huge surprise. Don't listen to me, though. You can listen to both the opening statement (pure propaganda) and the q&a period (diluted propaganda) on npr or read it all here. On to the stupid quotes:
"A free Iraq is vital to the safety of the American people."
"America is behind our troops" I find this one particularly deceptive as "behind" could mean that we support the troops themselves or that we support the reason that the troops are there. Aren't semantics fun?
"It's been tough on this administration." in reference to the last week of fighting and increased violence in Iraq.
"It's in our country's interest." in reference to the achievement of a "free Iraq."
"[Saddam] refused to disarm." in reference to Saddam's violation of the UNSC resolution
"We are an open country; we value our openness." Who knows where this one popped out of.
"And I heard a summary of that from Director Mueller, who feels strongly that we – and he'll testify to that effect, I guess tomorrow. I shouldn't be prejudging his testimony. " in reference to the testimony of Robert S. Mueller III scheduled for tomorrow. I've gotta wonder if someone in the back started waving his hands at Bush to shut him up about prior knowledge of testimony that has already been run by him before it was made, as he switched gears pretty quickly.
"Prior to 9-11, the country really wasn't on a war footing. And the, frankly, mood of the world would have been astounded had the United States acted unilaterally in trying to deal with al-Qaeda in that part of the world." In reference to why "threats" like Saddam weren't taken care of before 9-11.
"the war on terror had changed the calculations. We needed to work with people. People needed to come together. y'see empty words would have emboldened people."
"I also have this belief, strong belief, that freedom is not this country's gift to the world. Freedom is the Almighty's gift to every man and woman in this world." in reference to God. Great. Everyone loves when you're doing stuff for God. Don't mind US, we're just helping God with His plan.
"It just seemed an impractical strategy at the time. And, frankly, I didn't contemplate it." In reference to the United states acting Unilaterally "in that part of the world" (Meaning Afghanistan... I think... Possibly Iraq... He said 'it' a lot). No matter which strike he was referring to, he's busted either way as he was clearly contemplating unilateral movement against Iraq which is "in that part of the world." Unless he just meant the area right around Afghanistan and Pakistan, in which case he had to wait for 9-11 to do something, whereas now he can act preemptively on even less intelligence.
I don't have the patience to comment on all of these quotes. At least one is a lie. The part about not thinking of invading Iraq before 9-11. If that is true, it's pretty sick to use the deaths of thousands to launch a war against someone who wasn't involved in their deaths. Despite the "coddling of terrorists", which was really just one Al Qaeda member who was serviced in an Iraqi hospital. We just teach them how to fly...
I also really liked his skirting around the question of whether he felt responsible and slipping in how we weren't "on a war footing", which I guess we'll be on until there are no more "evil-doers." And how about "And it didn't take me long to put us on a war footing." Ooh, thank you! Thank you for sending us to war quickly. Shit, if I was "the ultimate decision maker for this country," I'd feel pretty bad about and yes, a little responsible for Sept. 11th.
And what the hell is the "Greater Middle East Reform Initiative"?

And he just couldn't figure out what the term "loved one" means:
"It seems like a long time to the loved ones whose troops have been overseas. "
"And my message to the loved ones who are worried about their sons, daughters, husbands, wives is, your loved one is performing a noble service for the cause of freedom and peace."
"I've met with a lot of family members, and I do the best to console them about the loss of their loved one. "

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