Molt Be Blog

Thursday, September 18, 2003

The storm continues, unabated and downgraded to a tropical storm... this isn't the tropics... but that's beside the point. I'm tired of all the hype that surrounds everything. How can the media sit there and lie to me, telling me that doom is impending, when I know that it won't be worse than a random thunderstorm?

I'm pretty sure the only reason there was so much media attention to this hurricane was that they knew it was coming. With random summer thunderstorms, they're sudden and unexpected, so the media doesn't have time to spin up some cool graphics and stir everybody into a froth that buys everything in its path. In the case of this stupid hurricane, the media had tons of time to make everyone think they're going to die and that normal "objects" will become "projectiles" that will "fly" through the "air" using "quotes" to talk about things.

Either way, I'm carrying on as normal with naught a care in the world about the wind and rain... which I'm not really witnessing at the moment. And a final complaint: I get paid by the hour and they've closed my job for TWO DAYS for this fake hurricane. Yeah... that's my final complaint.

Bored at work?!? Listen to BBC radio. No commercials and better music that's not manufactured in a meeting:
I suggest Tom Robinson on music6, or just going to the genre button on their player and finding ROCK & ALT... though I don't like to call it Alternative or Rock and Roll... those names are lame... I'll call it M-U-S-I-C that I particularly enjoy.

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