20040929 - Supergrass - 001
Dude! Supergrass is awesome! Saw them at the 930 club and they put on a great show. The bassist is amazing and they're a very unnotugly group of dudes.
Dude! Supergrass is awesome! Saw them at the 930 club and they put on a great show. The bassist is amazing and they're a very unnotugly group of dudes.
Posted by Greg on Wednesday, September 29, 2004 0 comments
J brought this article to my attention about CBS spiking its 60 minutes story on the lies about wmd that led to the Iraq war. I'm considering spiking more of the stuff that I write...
Posted by Greg on Wednesday, September 29, 2004 0 comments
My friend from high school has an exhibition of his photos online. He takes pictures of restaraunts. I think he's a "culinary photo documentalist" or something. Check it out by visiting his main site or by going straight to the photos.
Posted by Greg on Wednesday, September 29, 2004 0 comments
This is a message to remind me to check out pitchfork media.
And Mount St. Helens is going to kill us all.
And this is pretty interesting as well.
Posted by Greg on Monday, September 27, 2004 0 comments
Posted by Greg on Sunday, September 26, 2004 0 comments
We caught a mouse this morning. It was in the trap that he had eaten the spinach out of the day before. Maybe this means that mice like spinach residue just as much as actual spinach.
Everyone must read this article and later should check out Bush singing.
Posted by Greg on Friday, September 24, 2004 0 comments
Last weekend, R and I borrowed some mouse traps from her parents to help us with the "mouse problem". It seems that everytime we come home there's another little fun rodent running around the house. R said to bait the traps with peanut butter. After two days, not much. Then, last night, while making a salad, R dropped a piece of spinach on the floor which happened to bounce and stick the peanut butter in one of the traps.
Tonight, upon arriving home, what should we find but no more peanut butter and no more spinach in the trap. no mouse either, but this proves what some of us have been saying since the dawn of time: "mice really like spinach."
Posted by Greg on Thursday, September 23, 2004 0 comments
Did you forget about Janet Jackson's Super Bowl boob incident? I did too, and then today the FCC fined CBS $550,000 for it, which, oddly, is only $50,000 less than the amount that Halle Berry was paid to do double the work when she bore herself in swordfish.
What does this teach us all? It teaches us that some breasts are worth paying half a million dollars to bare and others are worth paying the same amount to keep covered. Is this chest discrimination? You bet it is.
Posted by Greg on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 0 comments
Another evening at the office... spent waiting for someone to get out of a meeting so they can tell me why I'm here this late.
In the meantime, I've been being a big hippie and checking out fair-trade coffees and all the fairness they have to offer. Sound granola? It is!
oH WAIT, now I'm working and it's almost 9pm and R bought a rotisserie chicken that I won't see until I get home! Dang!
Posted by Greg on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 0 comments
If you've got cable, check out the fox blocker, which you can put in the back of your cable box to block out fox news channel forever (not the regular fox channel with the simpsons, the fox news cable channel). And if you're thinking, "why would I want to block fox news channel?", check out outfoxed from your local video store, library or whatnot.
Posted by Greg on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 0 comments
Kerry gave Bush the whatfor today.
And the debate dates are set for Sept. 30th, Oct. 8th and Oct 13th.
Posted by Greg on Monday, September 20, 2004 0 comments
Go here. Play the game. HUGE waste of time. It's fantastic! Then go here. Play another game. Waste more time.
Posted by Greg on Monday, September 20, 2004 0 comments
Looks like Autumn has officially started here in DC. Thursday it was 83 degrees. Today the high will be 72. Everybody buy your ZiCam and start spraying before you catch a cold.
Posted by Greg on Sunday, September 19, 2004 0 comments
Off to see the Thrills tonight at the Black Cat. Please don't read this and then break into my apartment while I'm at the show.
Posted by Greg on Saturday, September 18, 2004 0 comments
Posted by Greg on Wednesday, September 15, 2004 0 comments
Posted by Greg on Monday, September 13, 2004 0 comments
Snow Patrol kicks ass! They put on an amazing show last night. Looks like I won't have to go into work this weekend as I was told I might, so now I have to figure out what to do instead. Besides writing in a blog... enough of this. Pictures below:
Posted by Greg on Saturday, September 11, 2004 0 comments
A movie I can't wait to see will be screened in washington on Sept 14th
Check out http://hijackingcatastrophe.org and click on screening to look for one in yer area.
DC one is at
Visions Cinema
International World Media Festival
Posted by Greg on Friday, September 10, 2004 0 comments
Lost our kickball game. The score was pathetic. What really made it worthwhile was being able to arrive on a scooter. Yee haw. Snow Patrol at 930 club tomorrow night. Muy bueno.
And GOOD GOD, the latest thing to come out of W's mouth: "Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country"
Posted by Greg on Thursday, September 09, 2004 0 comments
The Scissor Sisters put on a really great show. I highly recommend going to see them if you have the chance. It turned out that this show was the first one of their US tour. I felt good to know that I was there to see it kick off...
Posted by Greg on Wednesday, September 08, 2004 0 comments
R and I are going to see the Scissor Sisters tonight,
Then Snow Patrol plays the same venue (930 club) on Fri.
Other good shows coming up in DC are:
SAT SEPT 18- THE THRILLS, THE ZUTONS will be playing at the BlackCat for $14
and FRI SEPT 24- THE FIERY FURNACES, WHITE MAGIC, INOUK at the black cat for $10
and the BIGGEST BESTEST show will be:
Oct 3rd, the Killers are coming to the 930 club and the Libertines will be there on Oct 19th.
then there's also
I definitey recommend the Kings of Leon... but don't buy a ticket before I do.
Posted by Greg on Tuesday, September 07, 2004 0 comments
All in all a pretty good weekend. We rode the scooter down to the hirshhorn to check out the Gabriel Orozco on its last day. I can't say that it was particularly good. It was a photography exhibit that I cut out an article about sometime over the summer and finally got around to seeing today.
I also found out about this thing called Ghostzilla, which helps to hide the mozilla browzer within whatever application you happen to be working. I also downloaded the firefox web browser to see if it was just as good as Internet Explorer or possibly better. I seems to be doing just fine and even imported all of my old settings from IE. Not bad!
Back to work tomorrow............ lame. lame. lame.
Posted by Greg on Monday, September 06, 2004 0 comments
Scooter! Whoo-hoo! R and I went out to the ghetto in DC and bought a scooter yesterday. It was the last one within 30 miles of DC, since all of the '05 models are coming out so soon... Here's exactly what it looks like:
Posted by Greg on Sunday, September 05, 2004 0 comments
Posted by Greg on Saturday, September 04, 2004 0 comments
Posted by Greg on Friday, September 03, 2004 0 comments
Posted by Greg on Friday, September 03, 2004 0 comments
Bush gives his little speech and then Kerry takes the gloves off. Finally!
And this article was posted somewhere on the unfiltered blog.
Posted by Greg on Friday, September 03, 2004 0 comments
I had a random thought the other day:
Why is it that you can spend your entire life cutting the fingernails of your right hand using the scissors with your left hand and never get good at it? It makes no sense. Unless of course you're left handed, in which case reverse it. If you're ambidextrous, I'd like to know if it's just really difficult to cut your nails at all or really simple. And lastly, do you ever find yourself switching hands before cutting your right toenails?
You'd think I would have thought of this while clipping my nails. Oddly, no.
Posted by Greg on Wednesday, September 01, 2004 0 comments